Friday, April 29, 2011
cleaning up the skill lab because we're the youngest?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
byk keje..
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
FGM & EachACup!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
i need de-stressing!!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Dinner with Shmucks
Gathering :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
"Ok. I tunggu la sampai si jelita tu msg."
"Si jelita? gf u ek? eh u seriously dh married ke?"
"tk la.. u la. mne ade?"
Does that part prove anything he said?
"see u esok on9?"
"hmm. not sure. huhu. bye2."
"hmm. text me la.. ok.. take care."
Him: "Bored?"
Her: "Kinda."
Him: "Dont worry.. I'll try to accompany you."
Some minutes later.. (the girl trains her juniors to play volleyball)
Him: sure u good right?
Her: hahaha nah.. ok la. not to say very good.
Him: At least better than me.
Her: Hahaha u dont play any sports?
Him: Used to. Not nowadays la.
Her: y not.. hahaha.
Him: No one to play with unless if u want to..
Her: haha u play volley? wish to c that.
Him: No la. but u can teach me if u want.
Her: hahaha teach u? hmm. not really a good teacher. hahaha.
Him: come on la. sure u can.
Her: i can. but u must hv patience with me. hahaha.
Him: y?
Her: i'm a very slow teacher.
Him: no prob la.
Her: =0
Him: Gimme a call la..
Her: hahaha suree..
Him: u hv my no.?
Her: nope.
Him: i'll give it to you.
Her: hahaha okay i dont mind.
Him: here's my no. 012-2465020
Her: okay..
Him: urs.
Her: i told u i dont give my num easily. =0
Him: ok. anyway.. just give me a call.
Her: sure will. =0 dont worry.
Him: Thanks.
Her: No worries.
So bla bla.. and apparently her birthday was on 12th april. this was on 11th april.
Him: Happy Birthday!
Her: hahaha still early. thankx anyway.
Him: Before i forget i wish first.
Her: hahaha thx
Him: Call me on ur birthday..
Her: we'll c. hahaha.
Or is it..
Him: Okay sorry about how i'm acting. Anyway, can I have your contact no.?
Her: It's alright.
Him: Why not? I've lost yours....
She didnt reply. Only God knows what he did la. that was on 28th march.
And then he went "Hey raisa" on 10th April. she didnt reply.
So to anyone who thinks that i should give him a chance or forgive him, think again.
I can find another guy in a minute. What? you think i'm settled for you?
FUCK u if u think i'll stop eating pork for u. or wear a tudung.
Thanks for everything u've done all these while anyway. i'll return ur things when I see you.
Your fucking rexona, ur beloved jabra, i'll pay u back for the fcking shoes.
You can keep the money u've saved for your fucking car or Lemonade Melon k? Or the volleyball girl. good for u.
hv a good life bye.
p.s. : I've been seriously stupid for sticking with you for 1 whole year. so many hot guys. why you. since i'm not hot enough for you.. you wanna go after 3 fugly girls. good for u la. I didnt know quantity was ur thing, not quality.

Thursday, April 21, 2011
fucked up 2
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
fucked up
Nursing Intervention : Sleep Needed
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Catch some sleep baby :(
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
the weekend Speedzone pt

Friday, April 8, 2011
near death experience - again! :D
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
another boring CVS day

Monday, April 4, 2011
Hee~ happy times :D

So last Friday we got our results, finally. Teehee~ Finally a 3pointer!! So happy~