How're you doing this fine evening?
Because I'm having a terrible headache and I'm BORED!
Yes. I'm Bored.
Okay. I've done editing my blog,
I've done surfing through everyone else's blog,
I've done Facebook like, at least 40 times today alone,
I've done my Restaurant City stuff (YES I know my restaurant is more awesome than yours :P)
I've done my 2nd account Restaurant City stuff too.
Hm. What else?
Sigh. I'm glad it's the weekend today. Because then I can go back to my hostel room and rot.
Oh-ma-GAWD I miss Nilai!! (can't believe I'm saying this)
That oh-so-god-damned forsaken terpencil PPE I miss u. =(
I miss my crappy roommates and bitching till late night. Although not complaining about my clean clean and soft bed + comforter, cooling environment and well, no lagg internet. Heh. Wimax ♥ u.
At least in that place, I get to rot WITH my friends.
Yeah. I miss Uvi & Tia's awesome crappiness.
You guys make me laugh.
Laff you bitches.
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